India has always been a land of great achievements, people, fables, anecdotes and what not. It goes without saying that it is indeed very difficult to understand and define India in one go. Other than the beauty, culture, rich history, diversity in nature so on and so forth, we have some mind boggling things that made scientist from the west and around the globe question their understanding. Numerous things in India, including the ones that are mentioned below stand unanswered and beyond doubt startling for the world. Here they are:-
1. Karna’s Kavach

Karna the child of Surya ( Sun god) was born with a shield that protected him from weapons and atrocities of the war. It might be similar to the organic shield like exoskeleton found in tortoise, still extremely solid. Not at all like fake exoskeleton used by people, Karna’s Kavach was mixed with his body. He later gave it to Indra, the father of Arjuna, who was threatened by Karna’s skill, perseverance and strength.
2. Hand Carved Sundials (clock ) at Konark Temple

This temple is dedicated to the Sun god Surya, and no wonder that it embodies an accurate clock, which dates back to 1250 A.D. The whole sanctuary is a flawlessly adorned chariot mounted on 24 wheels (for day clocks and night clocks), each around 10 feet in measurement and drawn by 7 strong stallions. The 7 steeds speak to the times of the week and the 12 sets of wheels speak to the 12 months of the year.
3. Shiva Lingam at Amarnath Cave

Arranged in a thin canyon at the elevation of 3,888 meters, the sacred Amarnath cave bears the world renown stalagmite of ice. The well known Amarnath Ice Linga is framed by dropping water through the mountain hole, which grows up vertically to form that Linga. People say that on the Shravan day, Lord Shiva described Amar Katha — the mysteries of the universe — to Goddess Parvati.
4. Fine architecture of Kailasa Temple Ellora Caves

As a world heritage site, Ellora caves invite plethora of visitors every year, in search of historical anecdotes, however, what lies ahead of that idea is the magnificent design, architecture, structure and individuality of the caves. The entire temple has been carved out of a huge mountain, a technique so unique and hard to accept from that period. It remains one of its kinds in the entire world. Looks like a well contemplated result of a very advanced civilization.
5. Ancient Indian Rope Trick

Even though, the world claims that nobody has seen the classic version, but what people are talking about is a much simpler version of the trick, which many believe as the amalgamation of numerous tricks at once. This rope trick showcases an erect rope that is sturdy enough to bear the weight of a human.
6. Gyanganj- The Land of Immortals

In numerous mythologies, mountains are common homes to celestial and godlike creatures. Accordingly, its no shock that the world’s mightiest mountain extend, the Himalayas, is liable to obscure whisperings of secretive creatures hidden away in the remote and inaccessible valleys of the Himalayan mountains. It is said to be an antiquated Indian and Tibetan story of a city-kingdom of complex and everlasting creatures. It is said that Gyanganj is shrewdly covered or actually existing in a totally distinctive plane of reality.
7. Ancient acoustic devices of Golconda Fort

Clap your fingers and you might be heard a division away. The basic thing anybody entering the Golconda Fort in Hyderabad does is a clap. As soon as you enter through the main entryway into the great patio, you’d clap because the fine architecture allows it to be heard at the other corner of the fort. Furthermore, this clap can be heard high up the slope outside the King’s chamber. When you finish your trek up there, you’d be able to hear other’s clapping on the other end.
8. Vacillating relationship or Ayurveda and Modern Science

9. Existence of Adam’s Bridge (Rama Setu)

With a considerable amount of heated debate, people in agreement and the one’s against it; the bridge is 30 kilometers (19 miles) in length and differentiates the Gulf of Mannar (southwest) from the Palk Strait (upper east). The scaffold was initially specified in the old Indian Sanskrit epic Ramayana of Valmiki. It shaped piece of an area connects that joined Sri Lanka to the landmass of Asia amid the last ice age. Hindu devotees hold it as the bridge that Lord Rama and his armed force of gorillas and monkeys assembled to achieve evil spirit ruler Ravana’s Lanka.